In our blog last month, we spoke about changes we’ve made to our sustainable marketing offer. We’ve also been working hard to deliver more sustainable solutions for the mainstay of what we do every day: print.
With Carbon Capture Paper we can now offer a sustainable and eco-friendly print option for all our digital and litho print customers. Here’s the how and why:
Print, Paper and the Environment
We should probably begin by dispelling the widely held belief that the print and paper industries are bad for the environment. As a whole, they are among the most sustainable industries in the UK & Europe.
By its very nature, the paper industry depends on sustainable forest management. This provides a reliable supply of wood fibre for all its products. 90% of the wood fibre supplied to UK & European paper mills comes from European forestry which has been growing by an area equivalent to 1,500 football pitches every day [Source: FAO, 2005 – 2015].
That, coupled with the fact that paper as we know it, generally has a high recycled content: 46% of the fibre used by the European paper industry comes from new wood-pulp and 54% from paper for recycling [Source: CEPI, Key Statistics, 2016]. All of which mean that choosing print and paper can still be an ecologically sound decision.
What is Carbon Capture Paper?
The print and paper industry accounts for just 1% of the total carbon emissions in the whole of the UK and Europe [Source: Eurostat 2016], and whereas 1% doesn’t feel too bad it definitely shouldn’t be ignored. That’s where Carbon Capture comes in.
As an approved supplier of Carbon Captured paper, the carbon emissions created in the paper making process are measured and converted to a monetary value. We then make a donation of that value to the Woodland Trust. They in turn then use that money to plant new, native, UK woodland. This woodland finctions as a carbon sink, capturing the equivalent amount of CO2 emissions.
Find Out More
Our London based account management team are on hand to answer any questions you may have about Carbon Capture, here. They can advise on any of the papers we have available for digital and litho print. We’ve also been reducing plastic use in our business, find out more here